Monday, August 07, 2006


Check it out, I set up links to everyone else's blogs on mine. Now you can get to everyone's blog from mine!

Marr Vell


The whisper in your ear said...

Good idea Marr!!! im always forgeting the names of peoples blogs so ill just come to your to get to everyones!!

Marr said...


You could set up links on your blog too.

Click on the "EDIT-ME" link in your blog to learn how.

Marr Vell

Marr said...

Also, bookmarking the blogs works too.

Kalinka said...

Dear Marr,

You are more clever than I give you credit for. Bring everyone to your blog first, eh? Hehe. =^_^=

Kalinka Blue.

-._.->[R]ober[T]<-._.- said...

Kalinka said...

Heya Marr!

What's up? You're at work now and disliking every minute of it, I'll bet. I just thought I'd send a message along from the brighter half of humanity (the ones that aren't talking to you on the phone about their "whatever it is you do at work" problems). You know, to keep you from going crazy and all that fun stuff! =^_^=

So...umm...yeah, I didn't really have anything to comment on. I simply thought that even Marr Vells need some colour in their day sometimes. Who knows, maybe I'm wrong. Who knows, maybe the only colour they need is blue. But hey, that *is* my life name. So nyaaa. *puts on crown made of blue*

Perhaps I should go before I declare myself the last of---

"I am the last of the blues! Beow!!!"

Oh dear, there it goes. Sorry about that.

*blushes* *walks away still wearing crown of blues*

Your friend,
Kalinka Blue.

Kalinka said...

You know what?

I made a spelling mistake. That should say "last" not "life". Whoo-boy. I don't often make spelling mistakes...but when I do, I just replace word.

*walks away again, even more embarassed then before, still wearing crown of blues*


Kalinka said...


Yeah, that's all I'm saying this time.

"Ever think that maybe she's making these on purpose as an excuse to talk more?"

No more words. I'll only spell them wrong,

Marr said...

Well, there you go FLG.

Marr Vell

Marr said...

Hey Kalinka!

I know I should have thanked you for those posts when I first read them, but people called about their problems and wouldn't stop calling so I eventually forgot until just now. Sorry about that, but I blame that guy that I worked with, the same one who gave me writer's block, and who I blame for all the universes problems. (He had hat-head that was so bad it unleashed all the evils of the universe, much like Pandora's box.) But now he's gone so that won't be a problem anymore.

And for what it's worth, your posts made me smile, and while working here, that's alot.

Sorry for the delay again,
Marr Vell