All joking aside, there are good reasons for me not posting for so long. One, I wanted to wait until the tournament ended before I posted this and that took like forever to do. And two, the computer lab that I usually post from was locked up for the holidays until just now.
But you're not here to read my excuses, you're here to see the thrilling conclusion to my project. Which is exactly what you would get, if I didn't recently figure out who I can compare Colette Brunel to. But that will wait until next time.
Anyway, let's just consider this a belated Christmas Gift that I was going to give you anyway even if Christmas wasn't real.

Kratos Aurion
Gender: Male
Age: 4028
Height: 6'1"
Weight: 172 lbs
Class: Mage/Swordsman
Race: Human
Hair: Dark Brown
Build: Average
Weapon: Double-edged sword
Occupation: Mercenary
I said at the start that I would be saving whoever I compared to myself for last. This would be the final chapter, but I decided otherwise. Anyway, I digress. Kratos is like me. There, I said it.
Of course, I have more reasons to compare myself to Kratos other than just that he's my favourite character:
1) Kratos is the oldest of the playable characters, much like I am the oldest of the members of Lucid Seed. (Though not by THAT much.)
2) Speaking of age, Kratos seems very spry for his age, and (most of you don't know this) but a lot of people mistake my younger brother for being older than me.
3) Kratos, like Regal, is very proper in his speech. And though I sometimess (not a typo, that's for emphasis, Kalinkaa) talk using slang, it's mostly for fun and I usually speak with real words and phrases.
4) Kratos takes on a paternal role in the game (even before it's revealed that he is, in fact, Lloyd's father. Oh yeah, *SPOILER ALERT*) and I've taken on the role of big brother/teacher/father figure in our little club. (I prefer teacher.)
5) Kratos, like Regal again, has had some great tragedy occur in his life, (the same one, in fact. Only the names are changed) but unlike Regal, he doesn't let that be the only thing there is to him. And I WAS cursed, you don't hear me whining about it every day.
6) Even though he is an angel character, he doesn't reveal that fact for a while and even after it's been made known he doesn't make a big deal about it and doesn't use those abilities often. Much like me, if you witnessed my fight against Joneus you would have seen me morph myself into a shadow to turn the tables at one point. I've had that ability all along, it's part of that curse that I mentioned in my story, I just never used it and will probably not use it very often, not to mention the other abilities I have that are top secret. Heh heh heh.
7) Despite being a warrior, Kratos is actually quite wise, though not quite as much as Raine. And who is better at dishing out gems of wisdom of surprising clarity than Marr Vell?
8) This one wasn't really in the game, just in my head. (and the heads of a lot of "Tales of Symphonia" fans out there, evidently) Anyway, I've always pictured Kratos and Raine as a couple when playing the game, they just seemed to click, and I compared Raine to Kalinka. In case you haven't heard, we're getting game married.
9) This one is based entirely on the first picture in the picture party, I think it's self explanatory.
10) Kratos is easily the dreamiest character in "Tales of Symphonia", and what am I if not a hotty? (Okay, I'm just indulging myself now.)
Reasons eight and nine also double as reasons for comparing Kalinka to Raine.
Does this part even need an introduction anymore?

Part 7 is finally up, but how long must we wait for part 8? If past experience and mathematics serve, it'll probably be up in give or take an eternity, maybe even longer.
Marr Vell
*mini-high pitched cackle*
*high voice* Carry my stuff Marr Vell! Muahahah!
The snowman one is the most you and my favorite. The other ones range from cute to pretty - but the snowman is soo Marr Vell.
I want to see who Collette is. I really do.
This was fun to read again.
I'm not kinky.I repeat:NOT KINKY.
Heh heh. You carry that box well marr. And zhilo, who are you trying to kid? hHehehehehehe. *Hands marr a box labeld "kalinka's krazy boks of stuffsk"* Hehe! From kalinka to marr.
Silly drunken Jesse, it's actually labelled, "Kalinka's Krazy Karton for Karrying Kommodities!"
The exclamation point is actually on the label.
Marr Vell
*sigh*I'm telling you guys,I'm no kinky anymore.
"Anymore"? So you're admitting to being into the kinky stuff before. Possibly even when I wrote my comparison, like, two months ago. So it remains valid.
Marr Vell
Sorry, four months ago.
Wow, I've put this off longer than I thought.
Marr Vell
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