Sunday, July 23, 2006

I Should Post More Often

And if you're wondering why, it's because so much has happened in last three days.

First of all, on Thursday Jesse and Cyy finally had the big wedding. It almost didn't happen because most of the guests didn't log on until late into the night, but it finally happened. It was a beautiful ceremony, Kalinka performed it, and the only ones who couldn't make it were Suta and Holly. Jesse loved the cake I made for her. And to top it all off, something about performing the ceremony helped Kalinka find what she was looking for, I'm still not sure what that is, and she came back to us, green, messy hair and all. So, congratulations Jesse and Cyy, and welcome back Kalinka!

Next on Friday I met Kalinka's new friend Bathory (a.k.a. "Bathy") as well as Kalinka's "sister," Cezaria or whatever, later to be revealed as yet another extra account of Zhilo's. *rolls eyes* But then things got interesting. With my birthday coming up on the 29th (Hint, hint) Kalinka, Becca and Kylaia got a little over-excited and gave me my gifts early. Kalinka got me an amulet of strength, which i had been looking for for awhile, and Becca got me 15,000 gold and an amulet of power. (Totally undermining Kalinka's gift, but don't worry Kalinka I still like you the best.) Becca also gave Kalinka an amulet of power for no good reason, but she is always preaching generosity so she can't really turn down the generosity of others. And finally Kylaia got me a bowl, which doesn't sound like much unless you know me, bowl is my second favourite word of all time. (My favourite is onomatopoeia.) Later we met up with Mizr (Zhilo's in-game Father) and a few of his friends. Mizr had spent the entire day questing to get the rogue's armour or something and when he showed up he totally looked like a ninja. He spent almost the entire time running around assassinating everyone. (Maybe I should introduce him to Great One.) Then in a period of boredom I decided to look up everyone's birthstones. Everyone has four birthstones; two for the month they were born in, (One primary, one secondary) one for their zodiac symbol, and one for the day of the week they were born on. I can't remember everyone's results but mine were kind of funny. The primary July birthstone is ruby, (the secondary is jade but that doesn't really matter) I'm a Leo so my zodiac stone is ruby, (notice a trend yet?) and after some investigation (thank you wikipedia) I discovered that I was born on a Sunday so my birthday stone is ruby. Three times ruby, and I don't even like red that much.

Finally yesterday rolled around. Once again Zhilo logged on with as different account. This time he was "Captain" Draigar. For some reason "Draigar" is personally out to assassinate Kalinka. Jesse and I completely diffused his efforts by claiming that we thought everything he said was a joke and eventually told him that in order for us to respect him, he had to at least respect the rules. Rather than take our advice, he stormed off. I can't say I didn't see that coming. We met up with Bathy again, he was looking to complete the Bone Scepter in the Stronghold of Security but was having no luck with the final piece. I agreed to help out, unfortunately I wasn't any luckier, but I promised that I'd help, so I'll give it another go when I have more food. Later Kalinka decided that we should go through with Jesse's idea of having a costume party. Because it was so sudden, few of us had time to prepare for the party and didn't know what to wear. Fortunately though, we had Kalinka to inspire us all. Kalinka decided that the two of us should go as a pair, she kept her idea a secret for a while, but I figured it out the second she told me to change my shirt to a black jacket. We went as Squall (Me) and Rinoa (Kalinka) from Final Fantasy VIII. I should've seen that coming. Upon arriving at the party (and explaining who we were supposed to be) Jesse and Joneus both decided to be Final Fantasy characters as well. Joneus grabbed a cross-bow and dressed up as everyone's favourite gun-toting, shape-shifting, maybe-vampire Vincent from Final Fantasy VII and, on the advice of the rest of us, Jesse dressed as the top-heavy Kung fu master/bartender Tifa, also from Final Fantasy VII. Later Galanoth showed up and dressed up as the most confusing Final Fantasy character ever, Cloud from Final Fantasy VII. (Seriously, what's his deal?) Suta was there too, she didn't change anything so we just called her a green version of Beatrix from Final Fantasy IX. Cyy showed up too, but he refused to play along saying "No I lik me hair" and generally just not being any fun.

So that was the last three days in a nutshell. I'm sure I missed some details, but I'm only human, you've got to give me some credit. From now on I'll post more often to avoid such viciously long posts.

Marr Vell


Kalinka said...

Congratulations Marr Vell,

You, for once, have left me with nothing to add. Me-ow.


Anonymous said...

omfg MARR AND KALL= NOT AN ITEM! NOOOO MARRIGE! NOOO NOT ITEM! zhilos a joke to me now.and why thank you marr cake was yummy. psssssst i did'nt share it with cyy. im still wearing my costum its not very differnt from what i normaly wear. well see you marr. oh I BEAT DRAGON SLAYER! IM SO PROUD OF MYSELF!!!! im broke =P

Anonymous said...

lol nice blog i am bio lolas u know but yea k lol i was with mizr and im his (in game) sonb just to say lol . i wanted to say my trade mark smiley is..................`~` lol its alot different from rs lol yea and i got ur web thing u said to use lol

bionicle 102. lol lol lol lol

-._.->[R]ober[T]<-._.- said...

lol could u like go to my blog at


bionicle 102(never use my smile!!`~`)

Anonymous said...

wait if your mizrs son to does that make zhilo your brother??????? you poor boy bio


Anonymous said...

wait if your mizrs son to does that make zhilo your brother??????? you poor boy bio
