Just making sure that nobody mistakes me for being dead. Despite what Kalinka may say, that is not the case. Silly Kalinka, always greatly exaggerating reports of my demise.
Anyway, I have recently finished my 8th play through of Tales of Symphonia. And, because it's me, I couldn't help but draw parallels between most of the playable characters and people on Runescape.
So I figured, "hey, I haven't posted in like forever. Why not share with everyone the parallels that I drew and give explanations on them. If only as an excuse to post pictures from deviantart.com of the characters." I couldn't refuse a brilliant idea like that. So here it is, part one of my seven (possibly eight) part series that I shall entitle: Tales of Symphonia Character Association.
I suppose I should start with the obvious choice. No, not me, I'm saving that for last. I'm talking about the main character/"leader" of the party in Tales of Symphonia, Lloyd I

Lloyd Irving
Gender: Male
Age: 17
Height: 5'8"
Weight: 128 lbs
Class: Swordsman
Race: Human
Hair: Dark Brown/Short Hair
Build: Average
Weapon: Two single-edged swords
Occupation: Student
Lloyd is easily paralleled with the one, the only, Joneus Gold.
There are reasons for this:
1) Joneus' name in the story is "Llyd", that's one "o" shy of Lloyd.
2) Lloyd has two swords and, as I recall, Joneus was going to register dual swords for the tournament. (Later exchanged for axe skills.)
3) Joneus actually tried to throw a Dwarven Vow at me once, Lloyd was raised by a Dwarf and therefore uses the vows on occasion
4) Though Lloyd is the main character and technically the leader of the party, when it comes down to actual leadership, the rest of the party usually turns to a more mature member.
5) Lloyd is notorious for being a big dork, sorry Joneus, but that's you again.
6) Even though it's not until the end, Lloyd eventually takes on a angel form. And though he's not the only angel character, his wings are the most dramatic. Joneus in a nutshell really.
And because I felt like it. Here are some more pictures.

And there you have it, part one complete. Also, in case you've played the game, I'll only be doing playable characters. There are nine in total, but I'll probably leave out Colette because I don't really know anyone like her, and I'll definately leave out Zelos because I hate him and if I compare you to him I'm insulting you.
Tune in next time. I'll be comparing Presea Combatir to someone, but who?
Marr Vell
This made me smile profusely.
Hahaha. Good job marr vell. That is quite similar to that young lad.
*laughs* cool So is that a new anieme or is it still in menga form?
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