Anyway, on with the show.

Genis Sage
Gender: Male
Age: 12
Height: 4'8"
Weight: 64 lbs
Class: Mage
Race: Half-Elf
Hair: Silver
Build: Slender
Weapon: Kendama
Occupation: Student
Let me put this one in simple, yet apt terms.
Genis = Trevirn
Listed below are the reasons for this comparison. (Just like before you silly fop.):
1) Genis is the annoying little brother of another of the characters and we (Kalinka and I and maybe others) do see him as an annoying little brother.
2) Genis tries very hard to gain the favour of the other characters by mimicking them. Trevirn does the same. Both end up making fools of themselves.
3) Genis is incredably intelligent, especially for his age. Trevirn wrote 207 non-fiction books, with all of the research being hands-on, with no reference to any other books, that take an incalcuable level of intelligence.
4) Genis is in love with a young, blond boy that most people don't like (Mithos) and Trevirn is in love with a young blond boy that no one else likes (Yasakura9).
And there you have it, undeniable proof that Trevirn and Genis are one in the same. (Except the part about Trevirn being smart, he's totally not.)
As before, more pictures for your viewing pleasure.

Part 3: Done. Next on the list is Regal Bryant.
Marr Vell
NICE BURN MARR!!...Sorry is kinda obviouse about yas and you kanoodeling. You guy's should stop trying to hide your un-dying love for eachother and get married. It's canada, we alow it remeber? Ther is nothing wrong with having feeling's for someone of the same sex. Anyone who is a homophobe should be kicked.....Really hard...By me. I'm not saying I'm gay, But I do know alot of people who are.........My boyfriend being bi sexual and all... Anyways.. Trevin..Stop hiding the feeling's. Its not worth it.
Great pictures marr,
OMFG! I love anieme! My friend loves Yaoi! She also Like's hard core but she's like 18. My friend has a thing-a-ma-jig on I haven't been able to find it but shes realy good. it was Anieme night last night but I missed it. I like FMA the best and I'v read volume one and two. I also have a soft spot for inuasha but the art its self is so alfull it makes it hard to watch. I love FMA's story line. Its sooo awsome. But I gota say Naruto sucks ... Alot! Oh and Marr great points *sobs* I wish you where on our debate team you would kick ass. Its only me and Reena and..... yah thats about it. Oh yah and Zacery. But he's icky. Ok so you ovouly leared a lesson don't talk about anieme unless you want a big long post from Kyl on which to watch.
Actually Kylaia, Tales of Symphonia is a video game that I have played multiple times. I don't watch much TV at all really. But from what I've seen, you're right, Naruto does suck.
If it's not Transformers, I didn't see it,
Marr Vell
Transformers?!?! Thats not anieme! Thats realy bad...... cartoons. I had to sit threw 1 hole hour and a half of transformers. It has no story line! All I got was there where a bunch of over inflated egos walking around in siuts of armour and if that wasn't bad enough there was this big pink thingie that covered the hole planet.
I'm not sure what you're talking about, Kylaia. Whatever it is it doesn't sound like Transformers.
Anyway, what I said was mostly just to say that I don't watch much TV nowadays, mostly because I don't have time too anymore. But I loved Transformers as a kid, and still really like it now. But it's moreso for nostalgia's sake.
Transform and roll out!
Marrtimus Prime
Trust me it was transformers. There was a guy named optumouse prime. And ummm oh i don't remember I wasn't exactly paying attantion. I dyed my hair pink for a day. It was fun.......ish poeple kept being annoying and asking why I dyed it. I was sad it was only temporary. Now my skalp is fushia cause I couldn't get it out!
I used multiple temporary hair dyes at once one time. Green, blue, red, and pink.
Someone said I looked like a snow cone.
They were right.
I usualy dye my hair permanantly..The more people who comment the better! I love looking weird if you didnt know...*Strums along to dallas green on my accoustic guitar* Anyway...I was thinking of getting my ears and lip peroced..But I;m kinda a ham so I'll see...What do you people think?
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