So any way Part 2!

Presea Combatir
Gender: Female
Age: Looks around 12
Height: 4'6"
Weight: 53 lbs
Class: Axwoman
Race: Human
Hair: Pink
Build: Typical child's build, but slightly small for her age
Weapon: Ax
Occupation: Woodcutter
I couldn't help but compare Presea here to our resident "drunken demon", Jesse.
As before I'll list my reasoning behind the comparison:
1) Presea's hair is pink and of all the female characters that's the closest you get to a red-head.
2) She is slightly small for her age, (refer above) yet she is still the strongest character in the game.
3) She is written as the dark character in the game. 'Nuff said really, but there is still more.
4) This is an actual quote from the game. It's the caption for Presea's "Paw Mania" title - "Poke poke poke poke, I can't stop it, Poke poke poke poke, it doesn't stop." Who does that sound like to you?
5) This one is a bit of a spoiler, but I'm writing it anyway, if you want to play the game yourself don't read this one. Presea was used in an experiment (I won't go into the details) that prevented her from aging for 16 years. So essentially Presea is a 28 year-old trapped in the body of a 12 year-old girl and is therefore very mature for her apparent age. It's not exactly the same as it is with Jesse, but Jesse is very mature for her actual age.
And once again, again here are more pictures

Part 2 complete. Next up, Genis Sage.
Marr Vell
I enjoyed that last picture.
*tries to lean back and kind of sideways*
*falls over*
Fallen but not forgotten,
Kalinka Krayon's Kolorful Kommenting Kampaign Part 8
The last subject: Marr "spaceship Legos" Vell. Or, as some know him -Marr "small glasses" Vell. Orrrr
Marr "how the heck did you con me into carrying all of your stuff" Vell.
I am not sure if ever you will read this. If you do not, I am sorry to hear you went blind without me knowing. *offers you a jar of bees*
It's my bee farm, I was working on it but I'll give it to you because I feel bad. *pouts* Don't worry. I can't live without it.
*sigh* I can't believe you went blind. I'm so sorry.
Also, you must also take *hands you a jar of peanut butter* my peanut butter factory and *gives you a handful of gummi bears wearing sunglasses* ALL of my financial consultants. *hangs head*
I really wish I could make it up to you, but I guess I can't really. There's no possible way that I could ever cheer you up, blind or not. *draws a sad face on a nearby cat* I am sad now.
*writes a poem on the back of a passer-by* Oh woe! Well, perhaps I should just leave. That would be easier. I'm going off to the mountains! To live in a cave. That's it! That's all. *stands still* You can't stop me!
*trips over cat with a sad face*
Ouf! Hmm...well, maybe I could stay a little longer. *eats financial consultant*
*gives you new eyes made out of something that isn't eyes but still works just as well because eyes are rather creepy* I hope you can see again. It was terrible. Terrible, that time you went blind.
Well, I think I should go now. This is the longest comment in the world, maybe.
Heyyyyy Marr.
I like it. I like it alot. Your so good at comparing people to people from game's. I am small for my age... But trust me I weight more than 56 pounds. Acctualy I have alittle more than most girl's but... I have to. If i fall to under weight I get sick. So I like to keep myself abit above the normal weight. Well I have some probelm's to sort out...I'll see ya.
I don't know if anyone noticed, but that yellow thing one Presea's hat in the last picture is supposed to be Pac-Man.
Marr Vell
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